Internal marketing: The missing piece of your marketing puzzle.

When you set your marketing goals this year, you only think of how many of your potential customers will buy. But ever thought of selling to your employees as well?

Internal marketing vs external marketing.

External marketing always takes all the show from the internal marketing, considering it is more likely to strengthen the brand value and derive you more profit, but is it? In fact, external branding plays the main role to persuade the public with your brand values and with your product/service benefits. Not only persuading them, but to make them feel happy and satisfied about it. The truth is that this won’t be the case if you ignored internal marketing. The formula here is simple. A happy employee will lead to a happy customer. That’s why a new goal should be added to your marketing campaigns: make your employees happy and satisfied.

Enhance your employees experience.

Do your employees see the bigger picture of your company? One interesting thing about the brain is that it is always looking for patterns. In your case, employees need to understand how their work serves their brand promise. They need to be aligned on the same mission and look at the same vision. You need them to buy your brand values before your customers do. This cannot happen without a strong communication inside your company. A lot of engaging activities are needed from time to time to keep them active and always connected.

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A campaign that makes your employees buy.

It is not that smooth. Internal communication campaigns, in fact, are tricky and way more complicated than the external campaigns. Your employees know the secrets of your company very well. They are very aware of the backstage events and the company strengths and flaws. So ordinary marketing campaigns won’t do the job for you. You need an internal marketing strategy with clear goals and target a well identified segments. Only then, you may have the influence you are looking

Avoid failure before even planning.

Your employees are always busy doing your tasks and trying to maintain the expected performance. So, do not expect them to pay your campaign attention that easy. They won’t tolerate distraction nor spamming. Your main aim is to light the work environment and get their highest efficiency in the workplace, so avoid negative messages and don’t compare them to each other by any means. Boring activities are as bad as spamming, it won’t lead you anywhere but to lose any possible good impact of your upcoming internal campaigns. Internal campaigns are a great tool to ensure your brand growth. One should not ignore it. Though, there are a lot of tips that you should keep in mind while planning for your company's internal campaign. In our blog, several case studies along with a playbook will be published soon to tell you the strategies, the hows and to show you the impact of internal marketing on other brands.